If you have the Client Gate+ or the Digital Citizenship (DÁP) identification, you can view your draft tax return from the 15th of March of the year following the tax year on the eSZJA site at www.nav.gov.hu.
If you do not have the Client Gate+ or the DÁP identification
Should you not have the Client Gate+ or the Digital Citizenship (DÁP) identification, you have to choose until the 15th of March of the following tax year (the 17th of March in 2025) between several options to receive your draft tax return
- by SMS to 06-30/344-4304 (in the message you must include your tax identification code and your date of birth in the following format: SZJAspacetax identification numberspaceyyyymmdd)e. [SZJA XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX] where the middle part is the 10-digit tax identification code and the last block is the date of birth (last two digits of the year/month/day)];
- on the web form available on the NTCA website;
- by mail;
- on the form (BEVTERVK);
- by telephone on the NTCA Infoline from Hungary: 1819 and from abroad: +36 (1) 461-1819.
The drafts are available electronically on the NTCA website from the 15th of March of the year following the tax year. Through the eSZJA application, those with the Client Gate+ or the Digital Citizenship (DÁP) access can view and, if necessary, edit their PIT return on their smartphone or tablet. Individuals who had a job and received wages throughout the whole of last year will automatically have their draft tax return (pre-filled tax return) turned into an official tax return if they do not file an individual PIT return by the 20th of May.
Sole proprietors, smallholder farmers and persons liable to pay VAT must supplement their draft tax return with information on income from their activities or any other information not included in the records of the NTCA. In their case, they still have to file the tax return independently, as the drafts prepared for them do not automatically become an official tax return, but the draft is used to help them prepare their return.
Donors will also have until the 20th of May to donate 1+1% of their personal income tax, by which time they can choose an NGO, a religious community or the National Talent Programme to support. Declarations on allocation made to churches last year can also be amended or withdrawn up to this date.