If you wish to make use of a new exemption or if you wish to apply for a suspension, or a tax benefit, you can do so by submitting the form GJADO „adat- és változásbejelentő lap a gépjárműadó mentesség / kedvezmény / szüneteltetés igénybevételéhez” (data and change notification form for accessing motor vehicle tax exemption / benefit / suspension).
The form can be submitted in the Online Nyomtatványkitöltő Alkalmazás (ONYA) (online form filling application) application.
A taxpayer not under electronic communication obligation can also
- send the filled-out form – printed from the ONYA system – by post to the NTCA directorate that is competent in the area in which the taxpayer has their residence or registered office or
- submit it at our customer service offices.